TAP mwa.observation Schema and Examples

TAP mwa.observation Schema and Examples


Find CenA observations, show most recent first

select * 
from mwa.observation
where obsname like '%CenA%'
order by obs_id desc


Describes details of a single MWA observation.

Column NameData TypeDescription
obs_idBIGINTObservation ID- unique identifier of an MWA observation
starttimeBIGINTGPS Start time of observation
stoptimeBIGINTGPS Stop time of observation
durationINTEGERLength of observation in seconds
starttime_mjdREALMJD Start time of observation
stoptime_mjdREALMJD Stop time of observation
starttime_utcTIMESTAMPUTC Start time of observation
stoptime_utcTIMESTAMPUTC Stop time of observation
starttime_mroTIMESTAMPStart time of observation (local MRO time)
stoptime_mroTIMESTAMPStop time of observation (local MRO time)
obsnameVARCHAR(255)Name of observation
creatorVARCHAR(255)Name of the creator of the observation
modtimeTIMESTAMPLast modification date time of the observation (AWST)
modeVARCHAR(50)Observing mode (HW_LFILES/MWAX_CORRELATOR are correlator observations; VOLTAGE_START/VOLTAGE_BUFFER/MWAX_VCS are voltage capture system VCS observations)
projectidVARCHAR(50)Proposal / project identifier
projectshortnameVARCHAR(255)Short name of proposal / project identifier
projectdescriptionVARCHAR(255)Description of proposal / project Identifier
dataqualityINTEGERData quality code
dataqualitynameVARCHAR(255)Data quality description
dataqualitycommentVARCHAR(2048)Data quality comment - extra hand written comments on this observations data quality
deleted_flagBOOLEANHas this observations files been deleted?
deletedtime_mroTIMESTAMPDate time of observation deletion (local MRO time)
vcs_recombined_flagBOOLEANFor voltage capture system (VCS) observations- has this observation been recombined?
int_timeREALCorrelator mode integration time (seconds)
freq_resREALCorrelator mode frequency averaging / fine channel width (kHz)
raREALRight ascension (ICRS, J2000.0) (Uses ra_phase if exists, otherwise ra_pointing)
decREALDeclination (ICRS, J2000.0) (Uses dec_phase if exists, otherwise dec_pointing)
ra_pointingREALRight ascension (ICRS, J2000.0) of pointing centre at mid-time of the observation (Pointing centre is aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number)
dec_pointingREALDeclination (ICRS, J2000.0) of pointing centre at mid-time of the observation (Pointing centre is aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number)
ra_phase_centerREALRight ascension (ICRS, J2000.0) of phase centre at mid-time of the observation
dec_phase_centerREALDeclination (ICRS, J2000.0) of phase centre at mid-time of the observation
azimuth_pointingREALAzimuth of target at mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
elevation_pointingREALElevation of target at mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
azimuthREALAzimuth, in decimal degrees, of pointing aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number
elevationREALElevation, in decimal degrees, of pointing aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number
gal_latREALGalactic latitude, in decimal degrees, of the phase center (or pointing aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number if no phase centre)
gal_longREALGalactic longitude, in decimal degrees, of the phase centre (or pointing aligned to the beamformer grid name and grid number if no phase centre)
sky_tempREALSky temperature (K)
calibrationBOOLEANIs this an observations used for calibration?
calibratorsVARCHAR(255)If calibration is true what are the calibrator(s) used
gridpoint_nameVARCHAR(50)Name of the pointing grid used by this observation
gridpoint_numberINTEGERGridpoint number for this Observation
local_sidereal_time_degREALLocal sidereal time (decimal degrees) of observation
sun_elevationREALElevation of the Sun at the mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
sun_pointing_distanceREALDistance of the Sun from pointing center at mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
jupiter_pointing_distanceREALDistance of Jupiter from pointing center at mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
moon_pointing_distanceREALDistance of the Moon from pointing center at mid-time of the observation (decimal degrees)
channel_numbers_csvVARCHARReceiver coarse channel numbers represented as comma separated values
channel_center_frequencies_mhz_csvVARCHARReceiver coarse channel frequencies, in MHz, represented as comma separated values
first_channel_numberINTEGERFirst frequency channel number
center_channel_numberINTEGERCenter frequency channel number
last_channel_numberINTEGERLast frequency channel number
first_channel_lowest_frequency_mhzREALLower bound frequency of first channel in MHz
center_frequency_mhzREALCenter frequency in MHz
last_channel_highest_frequency_mhzREALUpper bound frequency of last channel in MHz
channels_are_contiguousBOOLEANAre the coarse channels contiguous?
channel_countINTEGERCount of channel_width_mhz coarse channels
channel_width_mhzREALWidth of each coarse channel in MHz
mwa_array_configurationVARCHARThe configuration of MWA telescope at the time of this observation
groupidBIGINTAll observations with this groupid are part of the same observing session
collection_idBIGINTThis observation is part of a collection with this identifier
collection_nameVARCHARThis observation is part of a collection with this name
collection_urlVARCHARThis observation is part of a collection with this URL
iono_qaREALAn ionospheric quality metric used by the EoR science working group.
tiles_with_bad_statesINTEGERNumber of tiles with bad states
tiles_with_bad_pointingsINTEGERNumber of tiles with bad pointings
tiles_with_bad_freqsINTEGERNumber of tiles with bad frequencies
tiles_with_bad_gainsINTEGERNumber of tiles with bad gains
tiles_with_bad_beamshapeINTEGERNumber of tiles with bad beamshape (where more than 1 dipole is bad)
tiles_flaggedINTEGERNumber of tiles flagged
bad_tilesINTEGERTotal tiles minus good tiles (tiles in bad or unknown state)
good_tilesINTEGERNumber of good tiles
total_tilesINTEGERTotal number of tiles in this observation
vcs_files_raw_totalBIGINTTotal number of VCS raw files for this observation
vcs_files_raw_archivedBIGINTTotal number of VCS raw files archived for this observation
vcs_files_ics_archivedBIGINTTotal number of VCS incoherent sum (ICS) files archived for this observation
vcs_files_tar_archivedBIGINTTotal number of VCS recombined (tar) files (or MWAX subfiles) archived for this observation
gpubox_files_totalBIGINTTotal number of gpubox (visibility) files produced in this observation
gpubox_files_archivedBIGINTTotal number of gpubox (visibility) files archived for this observation
flag_files_existBOOLEANDo precomputed RFI flag files exist for this observation (compatible with aoflagger)
total_archived_data_filesBIGINTTotal files archived for this observation (excluding deleted files, metafits_ppds and flags)
total_archived_data_bytesBIGINTTotal bytes archived for this observation (excluding deleted files, metafits_ppds and flags)
total_archived_filesBIGINTTotal files archived for this observation (excluding deleted files)
total_archived_bytesBIGINTTotal bytes archived for this observation (excluding deleted files)
files_deletedBIGINTTotal number of files deleted for this observation
files_deleted_bytesBIGINTTotal bytes deleted for this observation
data_files_summaryVARCHAR(255)Summary of data files. For correlator: gpubox files archived. For VCS: archived raw seconds/archived recombined seconds
downloadsINTEGERTotal number of downloads of this observation
first_download_datetime_mroTIMESTAMPDate time the observation was first downloaded (local MRO time)
last_download_datetime_mroTIMESTAMPDate time of most recent download of this observation (local MRO time)
days_since_last_downloadINTEGERDays since last download of this observation
days_from_obs_to_first_downloadINTEGERDays elapsed between the observation and first download
downloaded_bytesBIGINTTotal bytes downloaded for this observation
delaymode_nameVARCHAR(255)Delay mode name (see delaymode_description for info)
delaymode_descriptionVARCHAR(255)Description of the delay mode used in this observation (see cable_delays, geometric_dlays and calibration_delays fields for more info)
cable_delaysINTEGERCable delay mode applied (see cable_delays_description for info)
cable_delays_descriptionVARCHAR(255)Descripition of cable delay mode applied to this observation
geometric_delaysINTEGERGeometric delay mode applied (see geometric_delays_description for info)
geometric_delays_descriptionVARCHAR(255)Descripition of geometric delay mode applied to this observation
calibration_delaysBOOLEANHave real-time calibration delays been applied in this observation?
oversampled_flagBOOLEANDoes this observation have oversampled coarse channels?
deripple_flagBOOLEANHas a de-ripple been applied to the coarse channels of this observation?
deripple_paramsVARCHAR(255)If de-ripple has been applied, which de-ripple was applied?
deletion_pending_flagBOOLEANHas this observation been marked for future deletion?

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