TAP mwa.obs_data_file Schema and Examples


select *
from mwa.obs_data_file
where "count" < 24


Provides details of data files for each observation.

Column NameData TypeDescription
obs_idBIGINTObservation ID
filetypeINTEGERData file type
filetypedescriptionVARCHARData file type description
countBIGINTCount of all files of this type
sizeBIGINTSize of all files of this type in bytes
archived_countBIGINTCount of archived files of this type
archived_sizeBIGINTSize of archived files of this type in bytes (excluding deleted files)
deleted_countBIGINTCount of deleted files of this type
deleted_sizeBIGINTSize of deleted files of this type in bytes
modtimeTIMESTAMPLast modification date time (AWST)

note that the column named `count` is a reserved word in ADQL, so it must appear in quotes.