MWA ASVO Command Line Clients
There are currently two command line clients to allow headless/automated access to the MWA ASVO. If you need help deciding, we recommend you try giant-squid first as it is better supported and feature rich than the manta-ray-client.
If you plan to use the command line clients on supercomputers / high performance computers {HPC) please see also:
Using your API key
Both MWA ASVO command line clients (above) use an API key to authenticate you, so the client can submit and download jobs from your MWA ASVO account. Both clients will read your API key from an environment variable.
Finding your API key
To find your MWA ASVO API key:
Log in to the MWA ASVO website.
As per the screenshot below, click on your name to open the drop down menu.
Click on “MY PROFILE”
On that page you will see a long item “API Key”- just copy the entire entry so you can paste it when it’s needed (see below).
Setting the environment variable in Linux or Mac
You should add the following line to your .bashrc
file or run the below command before using one of the MWA ASVO command line clients.
Setting the environment variable in Windows
From a Windows command prompt you can set the API key (however this is not permanent- see for how to set an environment variable permanently on Windows for more info)
When the API key environment variable is set correctly, the MWA ASVO command line clients will work properly- allowing you to submit, list and download jobs using your MWA ASVO account!
If you have any issues please see: