Independent Spectral Indices of PSR J0133-6957's Pulse Components

Independent Spectral Indices of PSR J0133-6957's Pulse Components


Originally detected by Nick Swainston

J0133-6957 was detected in with the MWA using the observation ID 1227009976. The data has been uploaded to the MWA Pulsar Database.

Processing Performed:

When compared with Parkes' higher frequency data (from the EPN database) it is clear that the pulse components have different apparent spectral indices.

Processing Required:

Analyse the polarisation (and rotation measure if possible) and compare with the Parkes data.

Relevant Science:

Observing independent spectral indices for pulse components is common but there is no consensus if there is  due to different emission regions that have different properties or if this is due to the configuration of the magnetic field lines.

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