2021 June Virtual Project Meeting

2021 June Virtual Project Meeting

The project meeting website is here: https://indico.mwatelescope.org/event/6/

This page will contain internal information.

Recorded Talks

Available on the MWA YouTube Channel:

Presentation Slides

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  • Make sure you are logged in
  • Click "Edit" at the top of the page
  • Highlight your talk title and click the link button in the toolbar
  • The popup dialog should allow you to upload a file, or link to a URL.



WYITHE, StuartWelcome by MWA Board Chair
TINGAY, StevenMWA Director's Report
WAYTH, RandallPrincipal Engineer Update
BARLOW, Harrison
MWA ASVO and Archive Update
WILLIAMS, AndrewTelescope Monitor & Control
JONES, JakeVerifying the proposed signal processing architecture for future MWA upgrades
MCPHAIL, AndrewSite Update
TROTT, CathrynEoR Update
JORDAN, Christopherhyperdrive: New MWA calibration software
KRIELE, Mike159MHz Spherical Harmonic Diffuse Southern Sky Map Created with the Engineering Development Array (EDA2)
CHEGE, KariukiIonospheric effects on MWA Epoch of Reionisation observations.
LYNCH, ChristeneThe Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey -- Improved models for MWA EoR0 Field
YOSHIURA, ShintaroMWA Japan Science Update
RISELEY, ChristopherPrincipal Scientist Update
TREMBLAY, ChenoaGEG Update
ZHANG, Xiang
GLEAM-X Update
BRODERICK, JessThe GLEAMing of the first supermassive black holes: a combined MWA/LOFAR study to constrain low-frequency spectral turnover
QUICI, BenjaminSynchrofit: a python-based synchrotron spectral fitting code
HANCOCK, PaulTransients Update
PRABU, SteveSpace Surveillance Using the Murchison Wide-field Array
PRICE, DannySETI Opportunities with the MWA
BHAT, RameshVCS/PFT Update
MCSWEENEY, SamPulsar polarimetry with the MWA
SWAINSTON, NicholasThe Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey. First discoveries and the low-frequency pulsar population
OBEROI, DivyaSolar Update
MONDAL, SurajitInsights from snapshot spectroscopic radio observations of a weak Type I solar noise storm
SHARMA, RohitImaging of weak impulsive solar emissions using residual visibilities
MORGAN, JohnIPS and Ionospheric Scintillation measurements with the MWA

Prize Winners

Best senior researcher presentation: Divya Oberoi

Best junior researcher presentation: Nicholas Swainston

Honourable mention: Christopher Riseley

Survey: TBA


Please share your photos from the meeting here (smile)

Left: Drs Natasha Hurley-Walker and Xiang Zhang presenting a GLEAM-X update. Credit: Mia Walker.

Right: A screenshot of the Zoom meeting during Director Steven Tingay's wrap-up talk. 

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