GEG Guidelines

Below we present some suggested common approaches for science from GEG. These are guidelines only, but we encourage people to use these especially when comparing results to other GEG results.


The fiducial cosmology proposed for GEG analysis is the mean posterior Planck 2018 cosmology, taken from paper VI (, using the data combination of TT, TE, EE, lowE and CMB lensing, but with no extra, non-Planck data (no BAO), assuming a flat LCDM cosmology

The parameters are fixed at

H0 = 67.36
Omega_m = 0.3153
Omega_lambda = 0.6847
tau = 0.0544
Omega_bh^2 = 0.02237
Omega_CDM h^2 = 0.1200
Om_nu h^2    =  0.000694
1 massive, two massless neutrinos
ns = 0.9649
Amplitude of scalar fluctuations = 2.055e-9
