Magellanic clouds and nearby galaxies

Team lead: Dr Ivy Wong

Members: Bi-Qing For, Bryan Gaensler, Tim Galvin, George Heald, Natasha Hurley-Walker, Philippa Patterson, Maria Rioja, Lister Staveley-Smith, Hongquan Su, Tsutomu Takeuchi, Jennifer West, Ivy Wong, + (please add your name if you're interested in joining the team)

Recent submissions:

  • Submitted to ApJ by Anna Kapińska et al 2019 "Physical processes and detectability of star-forming Sculptor Group galaxies at low radio frequencies"

Recent publications:

Projects in progress:

  • MWA Phase 2 observations of LMC+SMC (Patterson, Staveley-Smith et al): work by Masters student Philippa Patterson
    • thesis completed December 2020; however not all data reduction is complete for the LMC so please speak to Lister if interested)
  • MWA Phase 2 observations of M83 (Tim Galvin et al)
  • MWA (Phase 1 /Gleam) + Spitzer observations of NGC 7793 (Navabi, Wong et al ):  work by "summer student" at UWA aimed at investigating the resolved radio-FIR properties of NGC 7793 – project ended
  • MWA(Phase 1) + multiwavelength observations of Virgo Cluster Galaxies (Yoshida, S, Takeuchi, T. et al): work by Masters student at Nagoya under the supervision of Tsutomu with minor supervision by Luca Cortese, Barbara Catinella & Ivy Wong (esp. for a winter studentship at ICRAR/UWA)
    • Shuntaro Yoshida has finished his studies and left the project but Tsutomu & his Nagoya team will take over the project to finish it.
  • Low-frequency SED of Swift BAT Hard X-ray-selected nearby galaxies (Wong, Kapińska et al ) : Phase 1 data had insufficient angular resolution and now awaiting Phase 2 data