GEG Survey Builders Lists


The GEG consortium recognises the contributions of team members who have made a major contribution to GLEAM, including proposal preparation, observations, flagging, image analysis, quality control and database management. Any publication arising from research which commenced using proprietary data is required to include the following GLEAM authors:

* The following list reflects the required GLEAM author list for research that uses the GLEAM year 1 data products (images and catalogues etc.) before they were published in Hurley-Walker et al. 2017, or was proposed before 28 May 2015, or uses GLEAM data products which have not yet been published.

| *Last Name* | *First Name* | *Institute* |

|Bell| Martin | CSIRO |

|Callingham| J. R. | ASTRON |

| Dwarakanath |K.S.|RRI |

|For| Bi-Qing | ICRAR/UWA|

| Gaensler | Bryan |U. Toronto |

| Hancock| Paul| Curtin Institute for Computation|

|Hindson| Luke | Victoria University of Wellington|

|Hurley-Walker| Natasha | ICRAR/Curtin|

|Johnston-Hollitt| Melanie | Curtin Institute for Computation|

|Kapi\'{n}ska| Anna D.| NRAO |

|Lenc| Emil| U. Sydney/CAASTRO|

|McKinley| Ben | U.Melbourne/CAASTRO |

|Morgan| John | ICRAR/Curtin|

|Offringa|André |ASTRON|

|Procopio| Pietro|U.Melbourne|

|!Staveley-Smith| Lister | ICRAR/UWA/CAASTRO|

|Wayth|Randall | ICRAR/Curtin/CAASTRO|

|Wu| Chen| ICRAR/UWA|

|Zheng| Cathie (publishes as Q.) |Victoria University of Wellington|

   * The following list reflects the GLEAM author list for research that uses data products beyond the year-1 data *and* was proposed after 28 May 2015:

| *Last Name* | *First Name* | *Institute* |

|Bell| Martin | CSIRO |

|Callingham| J. R. | ASTRON |

| Dwarakanath |K.S.|RRI |

|For| Bi-Qing | ICRAR/UWA|

| Franzen| Tom | ASTRON |

| Gaensler | Bryan | U. Toronto |

| Hancock| Paul| Curtin Institute for Computation|

|Hindson| Luke | Victoria University of Wellington|

|Hurley-Walker| Natasha | ICRAR/Curtin|

|Jackson| Carole | ICRAR/Curtin/CAASTRO|

|Johnston-Hollitt| Melanie | Curtin Institute for Computation|

|Kapi\'{n}ska| Anna D. | NRAO |

|Lenc| Emil| U. Sydney/CAASTRO|

|McKinley| Ben | U.Melbourne/CAASTRO |

|Morgan| John | ICRAR/Curtin|

|Offringa|André |ASTRON|

|Procopio| Pietro|U.Melbourne|

|!Staveley-Smith| Lister | ICRAR/UWA/CAASTRO|

|Wayth|Randall | ICRAR/Curtin/CAASTRO|

|Wu| Chen| ICRAR/UWA|

|Zheng| Cathie (publishes as Q.) |Victoria University of Wellington|. 

GLEAM DR2 (GLEAM Year 2 - Work lead by Tom Franzen):

| Franzen| Tom | ASTRON |

| Hancock| Paul| Curtin Institute for Computation |

|Hurley-Walker| Natasha | ICRAR/Curtin|

|Kapi\'{n}ska| Anna D. | NRAO |

| Seymour | Nick | ICRAR/Curtin|

|!Staveley-Smith| Lister | ICRAR/UWA/CAASTRO|

|Wayth|Randall | ICRAR/Curtin/CAASTRO|

|White| Sarah | SARAO/Rhodes University|




MIDAS IDR1: (Seymour, Quici, Hurley-Walker, Galvin)^
