- Keegan Smith (KS)
- Susmita Sett (SS)
- Sam McSweeney (SM)
- Ramesh Bhat (RB)
- Marcin Sokolowski (MS)
- Isaac Colleran (IC)
- Willem van Straten (WvS)
- Ian Morrison (IM)
- Nicholas Swainston (NS)
- Ryan Shannon (RS)
- RB has invited Shi Dai to SMART collaboration. Shi has accepted.
MWA upgrade (Ramesh)
- Phase 2 had compact and extended modes
- New Phase 3 has new hardware, new signal chain
- Luckily, will still have compact configuration in the short term
- Paper on new pulsar is in press
- ICRAR will do a press release + news item, to coincide with publication (in a few weeks)
- Tentative date 20/21 April
- RB thanks all who helped with the paper!
- Lessons: new finds with MWA can rely on Parkes, etc for follow up
- First time pulsar has been timed with MWA -- an important milestone
- New GMRT and Parkes proposals in the works
- GMRT proposal is about scintillation studies at high Galactic latitudes -- successful!
- MWA is back online since last Friday.
- Reason: new hardware procurement is delayed a few months
- An opportunity for us to cover more SMART survey obs's
- MWA will be in compact configuration for the rest of the year
- 1PPS is not there yet (as of this week), so timing might be compromised for incoming data over the next few months
- Review of observations completed so far (see slides for info-graphic)
- Still in "shallow" search mode. Prospects for new finds are still good!
- Shared risk proposal has been submitted
- Bhat, McSweeney, Swainston, Smith, Xue.
- Name SM as "SMART Survey Project Scientist"
Processing Update (Nick)
- Data processing:
- "Quick check" 41 obs processed, 93 known pulsars detected
- "Shallow search" 23 obs searched (on Garrawarla and OzStar)
- Benchmarks: Table given in slides
- Used LOFAR's single pulse search software and found RRAT J0410-31
- Vindication that LOFAR's software works well.
- RB: J0410-31 is a HTRU discovery.
- Comforting that back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that single pulse sensitivity is ~few Jy
- RS: 7 sigma pulse? Is that LOFAR's detection sigma?
- NS: Not sure where that number comes from.
- RB: Lots not understood -- e.g. side/grating lobe detection? It's 10 deg away from pencil beam.
- WvS: One of the plots was time vs DM, and it shows an interesting trace. What does it mean? Is it expected?
- NS: Not sure, but it's one of the less useful diagnostics in my experience.
- RB: Common theme: using LOFAR software -- maybe buggy, maybe not optimised. Question is, is it worth the effort to understand it very thoroughly?
- RB: could be good for student project!
Software upgrade update (Sam)
- MWA upgrade means that we will be served coarse channelised data instead of fine channelised data
- If we want a homogeneous data set, we will need to do our own offline PFB
- Opportunity to change software paradigm from "limited-mode pulsar backend system" to "flexible, exploratory research tool"
- Modular design will greatly ease extension development down the line
- Script-based interface, where individual steps are translated to a sequence of GPU kernel calls
- Development period until June, then testing and commissioning, ready in time for MWA hardware upgrade.
- WvS: How many people involved in development?
- SM: Me and Keegan. But it's not a complete rewrite (obviously already have a working beamformer to draw from)
- IM: My online beamformer is being currently developed as well. Perhaps combining our efforts, or at least liaising with each other may be beneficial to both.
MWAX/HTR commissioning (Ramesh)
- Primary objectives:
- New data format
- Time stamping
- Frequency labelling
- Timing stability
- Polarimetric verification and leakage
- Calibration
- Full coherent beam sensitivity
- Using Targets:
- J0034-0721, J1752-2806, J2241-5236, J0437-4715, J2145-0750, B0628-28, B0737-40, B0740-28, B1749-28, J0036-1033
- Time frame for fifth survey campaign = Sept-Oct (if all goes well, fingers crossed)
- Proposal was sent out to SMART collarboration (but only at the same time that it was submitted, due to compressed time line)
- RS: How much is dependent on new hardware arriving on time?
- SM: Actually, delays in hardware are good for us.
- RM: Significant delays probably not likely, and in any case doesn't change our long-term plan.
ML classifier (Isaac)
- GAN model (Generative adversarial network) not fully working as of the end of 2021
- New model being investigated: Transformers
- Problems with GAN: didn't work well with large data cubes as inputs
- WvS: Two words of caution: (1) Not sure how well these work in noisy regimes, (2) Class imbalance problem
- IC: On (2), GANs offer natural solution by generating "true" candidates
Web-app development (Nick/Sam):
- Time scale for system coming online is a 1-2 months.
- Will be able to invite collaborators to participate in candidate checking efforts easily.
Administrative issues and future plans:
- May want SMART telecons on a more regular basis.
- Have to continue scientific output.
- Three papers planned for 2021:
- Survey description paper (Bhat et al)
- Population study paper (Swainston et al)
- Low-frequency profile paper (Smith et al)
- Three papers planned for 2021:
- WvS: Single pulse timeseries will be available?
- No automation for that right now. Currently would have to process "manually" from raw data.
- WvS: Data outputs might be large, but perhaps only statistical information need be kept.
- WvS: We can revisit this idea if plucky students come along looking for science projects.
- RB: Should prove existence of "user base" first.