mwa_track_primary_beam_response -h
usage: mwa_track_primary_beam_response [OPTIONS] OPTIONS -m, --metafits=FILE FILE is the metafits file for the target observation (required) -r, --RA=HH:MM:SS Tied-array pointing direction, right ascension (required) -d, --Dec=DD:MM:SS Tied-array pointing direction, declination (required) -R, --RA-tied=HH:MM:SS Direction for array factor calculation, right ascension -D, --Dec-tied=DD:MM:SS Direction for array factor calculation, declination -c, --num-chans=NCHANS The number of frequency channels to use in calculation [default: number of coarse channels in obs] -t, --time-stride=NSECONDS Output one measurement every NSECONDS seconds [default: 1] -e, --empty-lines Insert empty lines between channels in output [default: off] -o, --outfile=FILENAME Write the results to FILENAME [default is to write to STDOUT -h, --help Write this help message and exit
mwa_track_primary_beam_response example
mwa_track_primary_beam_response -m 1240826896.fits -r 08:35:20.61149 -d -45:10:34.8751 -t 300 -c 3072 > beam.txt