Wiki FAQ

Wiki FAQ

This page is intended to help with any questions you may have about this wiki! If you have a question which is not covered here, let us know (see About This Wiki).

Q: My question is not covered here- how do I get help?

Please see About This Wiki to contact us!

Q: The Wiki sidebar is not showing. How can I get it back?

We are still investigating why it won’t stay put! But in the meantime, there are two workaround:

Workaround One: Use this as your bookmark

If you save https://mwatelescope.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MP/overview as your bookmark, it will show the sidebar once the page loads.

Workaround Two: Click the “MWA Telescope” link

click on the “MWA Telescope” link in the top left (see screenshot below- circled in red) and the sidebar will appear again.

Q: How do I log in?

For existing users of the MWA wiki, an Atlassian account has been created for you using the email address you are registered with for the MWA Collaboration. If this email address is already associated with an Atlassian account then you can just log in. If not, you will need to set your password. From the screen below, select “Can’t login?” (circled in red) and follow the prompts.

Q: When editing pages I am asked if I want to convert to the “new editor”. Should I do this?

This version of Confluence has a new editor which can be very powerful. Our old wiki used the previous version of the editor. When editing an existing page from our old Confluence, it will give you the option of converting to the new editor. It will also provide a preview option. In our experience, converting pages to the new editor can result in formatting issues and can take a bit of time to clean up. If you are curious, try previewing the change first- you can always revert the page if it makes a mess. Note that new pages created will always use the new editor (which is fine).

Q: How do I change my email address in Confluence?

First, if you would like to update your email address for all MWA services, then please email registry_admin@mwatelescope.org and they will update any https://mwatelescope.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MP/pages/24972057 you are subscribed to and the main MWA membership register.

To change your email address in Confluence:

  • You should log in to the wiki as normal.

  • Click on your profile (top right), then Manage account

  • Click on the Email tab at the top

  • Type in the new email address, then click Save Changes.

NOTE: this will also change the email address that you user to login to Atlassian products (such as this wiki)