MWAX De-Ripple Coefficients

MWAX De-Ripple Coefficients

Normal Mode:

The above file contains 6400 de-ripple coefficients ( i.e. the inverse of the PFB response) that are applied within the correlator at the ultra-fine level, in units of voltage gain. The numbers are symmetric about the 3200th number, where the 0th number is the odd one out. 

Oversampling Mode:

The above file contains 6400 de-ripple coefficients ( i.e. the inverse of the PFB response) that are applied within the correlator at the ultra-fine level, in units of voltage gain. The numbers are symmetric about the 3200th number, where the 0th number is the odd one out.

These coefficients only correspond to the passband portion of the oversampled channel, because the channel edges are discarded anyway.

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