This item relates to the front end web site of the MWA ASVO and the associated VO TAP service.Status colour Green title web
This item relates to the python API and command line client of the MWA ASVO (MWA ASVO: Command Line Client (manta-ray-client)).Status colour Blue title client
This item relates to the server back-end of the MWA ASVO system, which includes the dispatch service, processor service and cotter.Status colour Yellow title backend
This represents a breaking change to existing functionalityStatus subtle true colour Red title Breaking
Upcoming Release
- Enhancements:
New registration / login option:Status colour Green title web - You may now log in with your own institution account via a federated identity system.
- Existing users with MWA ASVO accounts may continue to log in with them, as normal.
- Existing MWA ASVO account users may also log in via their own institution. This utilises the MWA identity management framework that allows users to log on via thousands of different institutions via the Australian Access Federation (AAF) and the international federation: eduGAIN.
- If you log in with a federated identity for the first time, you will be asked to go through a short one-time enrolment process to confirm your details and confirm your email address.
- If you log in or register with a federated identity and you already have the same email for your local MWA ASVO account, then the accounts will be merged, allowing you to sign in with either method.
- If you are a current Phase 2 member of the MWA Collaboration and you have already enrolled as part of that process, then you will not need to enrol again.
- Phase 2 MWA Collaboration members will also automatically have access to data as per the MWA Data Access Policy.
Status colour Green title web
Calibration:Status colour Blue title client - Conversion jobs now have the option of finding and applying a calibration solution so it returns a calibrated measurement set or uvfits file. This output can then be used in standard radio astronomy tools for analysis / imaging (e.g. CASA, WSClean, etc)
- From the website or via the mwa_client / API you can now opt to try and apply a calibration solution to your conversion job.
- If there exists an appropriate calibration solution for the observation, the MWA ASVO will provide you with a measurement set or uvfits file which has the calibration solution applied.
- If a an appropriate calibration solution cannot be found for the observation then the job will fail. NOTE: not all observations have calibration solutions, yet- this is something the MWA ASVO team are working on completing in the next few weeks.
- For more information about the calibration feature please see: Data Access > MWA ASVO Calibration Option.
Status colour Blue title client
manta-ray-client now uses an API key for authentication:Status subtle true colour Red title Breaking - You will need to obtain the newest version of the manta-ray-client (mwa_client and API).
- API key now replaces username/password for the API and mwa_client.
- ASVO_USER and ASVO_PASS environment variables are no longer used and should be removed from your .profile or .bashrc.
- MWA_ASVO_API_KEY environment variable is now used to authenticate with the API / mwa_client.
- Find your API key from your "Profile" on the MWA ASVO website- it has been auto-generated for you already and then set your MWA_ASVO_API_KEY environment variable to it.
- The mwa_client and API now checks the API version on the server and if your client is out of date you will receive an error message asking you to get the latest version.
- Fixes:
Clicking the link in the email verification email sent during the registration process now correctly informs you that your verification was successfulStatus colour Green title web
- Enhancements:
The cone search now has a checkbox. When unchecked, it will perform a strict cone search against the observation pointing. When checked (this used to be the default behaviour), the cone search will show any results where the cone is anywhere within the primary beam. This will mean you get a lot more results than the strict cone search.Status colour Green title web Status colour Green title web
Conversion jobs now have the option to apply a unity bandpass correction. This is equivalent to the cotter “-sbpassband” option. Ticking the box will effectively cause the MWA ASVO to not apply the corrections by passing all 1’s to cotter.Status colour Blue title client
- Enhancements:
new command line option: -e <error_file> | --error-file=<error_file> | --errfile=<error_file>. This allows users to specify a file which all job-related errors are written to in a machine-readable format (JSON). This is to make it easier for users to write batch processes to submit, download and track MWA ASVO jobs.Status colour Blue title client
mwa_client now uses the argparse module instead of the deprecated optparse module to process command line arguments.Status colour Blue title client
Command line option -w | --download-only= now accepts "all" as well as a job id of 0 to mean- download any jobs which are available for download.Status colour Blue title client
- Fixes
changed the way internal worker processes communicate, in order to prevent the stdout errors such as "Invalid file object..." when running jobs.Status colour Yellow title backend
- Enhancements:
all new job products will now have their sha1 hash calculated (you can see it under the "Download" button). To verify the integrity of your download, use an sha1 tool (for example sha1sum <filename>) to compare the expected versus the actual checksum.Status colour Green title web
the sha1 hash is now displayed in the mwa_client when a download completes.Status colour Blue title client
the mwa_client will now display the file size (in bytes) of completed jobs along side the other job information when using the -l (--list-only) optionStatus colour Blue title client
- Enhancements:
new command line options for mwa_client, allows you to submit jobs and exit (-s); list your jobs and exit (-l); download a job (-w JOBID); download all your jobs (-w 0). It still supports submitting, monitoring and blocking until all downloads are complete as it did before. See manta-ray-client github for the new options and examples.Status colour Blue title client
added an "example.csv" template to make it easier for new users to craft a csv file.Status colour Blue title client
minor updates to the output text, including a new option (-v) to show verbose output.Status colour Blue title client
- Fixes:
Accessing a web page which requires the user to be logged in will now take them to a login page.Status colour Green title web
On query page, "project" drop down is now sorted correctly and includes a short description (which is also searchable).Status colour Green title web Status colour Green title web Status colour Yellow title backend
Fixed an issue where the "Jobs" page and the manta-ray-client did not allow the use of a non-integer time resolution setting. e.g. 0.5 would result in an error: "Time resolution not of type integer".Status colour Blue title client
Fixed an issue where the query form is not showing all observations when performing a search.Status colour Green title web
Fixed an issue where rerunning the manta-ray-client with the same csv file produces multiple jobs (which are all the same except for the order of the parameters), instead of 'reconnecting' to the existing job(s).Status colour Blue title client
Fixed several issues when closing down processes.Status colour Yellow title backend
The processor will explicitly ignore files in the archive which are not required for the data job. This will prevent errors like this: "MWA: 50 and NGAS: 51 file number mismatch; ignoring: 1066572736" from occurring.Status colour Yellow title backend
- Enhancements:
Updated look and feel.Status colour Green title web
Changed font to be much more readable for numbers.Status colour Green title web
We've added a twitter feed (@mwa_asvo) to the front page which will be used to update users of any service status changes or issues to the MWA ASVO.Status colour Green title web
Dates are now displayed in ISO 8601 format.Status colour Green title web
Added Change Password feature.Status colour Green title web
On query page, "from date" can be searched without "to date" and vice-versa.Status colour Green title web
Upon registering, users will now be shown a message box telling them their registration is successful and that they will need to verify their email address. This should prevent users from clicking register multiple times.Status colour Green title web
Added information about compliance with privacy policy.Status colour Green title web
30 May 2018
- Fixes:
Added keyboard interrupt handler to the mwa_client to prevent nuisance error messages when sending Ctrl-C key sequence.Status colour Blue title client
- Enhancements:
Made white text in mwa_client brighter.Status colour Blue title client
mwa_client now ignores lines beginning with # so you can now comment your csv files.Status colour Blue title client
23 May 2018
- Fixes:
Modified prerequisites so it includes a minimum version number of the "requests" package. Users reported that using "requests" package below version 2.18.3 was causing errors.Status colour Blue title client
26 February 2018
- Fixes:
VO TAP service returns correct output for availability and capabilities; also is now MWA branded.Status colour Green title web
12 February 2018
- Fixes:
Processor now ignores directory structure of flag file when unzipping which was causing issues for some older observations.Status colour Yellow title backend
9 February 2018
- Enhancements:
The processor now uses a round robin user queue for processing jobs. This means if user A submits 100 jobs and, a few minutes later, user B submits 2 jobs, then it will alternate between processing A's and B's jobs such that user B is not waiting for user A's jobs to finish before user B's jobs start. Instead it would process them: A, B, A, B, A, A, A... and so on. This will result in a much more fair allocation of jobs for users.Status colour Yellow title backend
If the processor is shutdown, it will now re-queue the job.Status colour Yellow title backend
7 February 2018
- Enhancements:
Added buttons on the query results page to allow export of the results to csv format so they can be used as inputs to the manta-ray-client.Status colour Green title web
Jump out of mwa_client earlier and report error, if there are no jobs specified in the csv file.Status colour Blue title client
mwa_client will ignore empty rows in csv file.Status colour Blue title client
The generated metafits file passed to the cotter process is now included in the output zip file for conversion jobs.Status colour Yellow title backend
18 January 2018
- Enhancements:
Change from displaying channel number to channel frequency in search results.Status colour Green title web
27 December 2017
Status colour Green title web Status colour Blue title client
Initial releaseStatus colour Yellow title backend