This item relates to the front end web site of the MWA ASVO and the associated VO TAP service.Status colour Green title web
This item relates to the python API and command line client of the MWA ASVO (MWA ASVO: Command Line Client (manta-ray-client)).Status colour Blue title client
This item relates to the server back-end of the MWA ASVO system, which includes the dispatch service, processor service and cotter.Status colour Yellow title backend
This represents a breaking change to existing functionalityStatus subtle true colour Red title Breaking
3rd November 2020
- Enhancements:
RFI Flagging: Users now have more options for how RFI Flagging is handled when submitting new jobs to the ASVO.Status colour Green title web
Custom phase centre: Users can how specify a custom phase centre for conversion jobs submitted to the ASVO.Status colour Green title web
Each processing Node will now only take a maximum of 75 jobs from the job queue when booting up. This helps an existing issue where a processor node will grab all jobs on startup (i.e. during Pawsey Maintenance).Status colour Yellow title backend Status
Users can now only have a maximum of 2000 jobs on the queue at any given time. This was to ensure that we do not exceed our disk limits at Pawsey.colour Yellow title backend
The new groupid column has been added to both the MWA ASVO user interface, and our TAP service. Details of this column can be found here TAP mwa.observation Schema and ExamplesStatus colour Green title web
18 September 2020
- Enhancements:
Added visual effects to the observations search page to indicate whether a particular observation is embargoed and unavailable for download.Status colour Green title web
Added stronger client-side validation on the web to give the user feedback before submitting a job, instead of having it fail when it becomes added to the processing queue.Status colour Green title web
Users can now update their profile information (username, email address, name) as well as generate a new API key.Status colour Green title web
Modified the MWA Metadata file query, which should reduce the number of "file number mismatch" errors when submitting jobs.Status colour Yellow title backend
Changed the options passed to cotter in order to make it use a defined amount of memory and number of CPUs.Status colour Yellow title backend