- Enhancements:
New registration / login option:Status colour Green title web - You may now log in with your own institution account via a federated identity system.
- Existing users with MWA ASVO accounts may continue to log in with them, as normal.
- Existing MWA ASVO account users may also log in via their own institution. This utilises the MWA identity management framework that allows users to log on via thousands of different institutions via the Australian Access Federation (AAF) and the international federation: eduGAIN and UnitedID.
- If you log in with a federated identity for the first time, you will be asked to go through a short one-time enrolment process to confirm your details and confirm your email address.
- If you are a current Phase 2 member of the MWA Collaboration and you have already enrolled with a particular login provider / institution as part of that process, then you will not need to enrol again, just log in.
- Phase 2 MWA Collaboration members will also automatically have access to data as per the MWA Data Access Policy.
Status colour Green title web
Calibration:Status colour Blue title client - Conversion jobs now have the option of finding and applying a calibration solution so it returns a calibrated measurement set or uvfits file. This output can then be used in standard radio astronomy tools for analysis / imaging (e.g. CASA, WSClean, etc)
- From the website, just tick the "calibrate" check box; or via the mwa_client / API add "calibrate=true" to your conversion job options.
- If an appropriate calibration solution exists for the observation, the MWA ASVO will provide you with a measurement set or uvfits file which has the calibration solution applied.
- If an appropriate calibration solution cannot be found for the observation then the job will fail. However, the system will add that observation to the top of the queue for calibration. Try the job again in 24-48 hours and the calibration solution is likely to be available.
- NOTE: not all observations have calibration solutions, yet- this is something the MWA ASVO team are working on completing in the next few weeks.
- For more information about the calibration feature please see: Data Access > MWA ASVO Calibration Option.
Status colour Blue title client
manta-ray-client now uses an API key for authentication:Status subtle true colour Red title Breaking - You will need to obtain the newest version of the manta-ray-client (mwa_client and API).
- API key now replaces username/password for the API and mwa_client.
- ASVO_USER and ASVO_PASS environment variables are no longer used and should be removed from your .profile or .bashrc.
- MWA_ASVO_API_KEY environment variable is now used to authenticate with the API / mwa_client.
- Find your API key from your "Profile" on the MWA ASVO website- it has been auto-generated for you already and then set your MWA_ASVO_API_KEY environment variable to it.
- The mwa_client and API now checks the API version on the server and if your client is out of date you will receive an error message asking you to get the latest version.
UI improvements:Status colour Green title web - Verification and welcome emails now have html formatting for email clients that support it.
- All help and documentation for the MWA ASVO has been moved to this wiki.
- Minor look and feel improvements to the underlying web page template.
- Fixes:
Clicking the link in the email verification email sent during the registration process now correctly informs you that your verification was successful.Status colour Green title web
When user submits data in a form e.g. registration, errors are more clearly highlighted in the browser.Status colour Green title web