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Each successful proposal is allocated an new project code (aka project id). Continuing proposals usually keep their existing code. The following table summarises all existing MWA Project codes:

As at 2023-06-07 15:02:16

Project IDShort NameDescriptionNum ObservationsArchived Data (TB)
A0001Emission from clusters and superclusers(Kale) Syncrotron emission on cluster and supercluster scales: The Shapley supercluster1864.473
C002Trigger testingTesting new trigger front end override120.000
C100Instrument Verification ProgramShort (~2min) scans on strong calibrator sources. Freq: 80-250 MHz. LST range: all. Subarrays: all6959114.424
C101Meridian Snapshot SurveyThe Southern Continuum Interferometric Snapshot Survey Of the Radio Sky. Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all.320013.370
C102Fixed-DEC drift survey. DEC -27Night-time drift scans at zenith (DEC -27). Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all.599870.268
C103Fixed-DEC drift survey. DEC -47Night-time drift scans at DEC -47, az=180. Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all.22467.324
C104EoR fields
C105Sun DriftsDrift scan observations of the Sun, often from rise to set. Freq: 80-230 MHz, 270-300 MHz. Subarrays: all.1850.000
C106Sun TracksTracking observations of the Sun, often from rise to set. Freq: 80-230 MHz, 270-300 MHz. Subarrays: all.413230.386
C110Moon imaging and RFIMoon imaging and RFI2141.203
C112W44W44 Galactic plane field. Freq: 80-230 MHz7335.076
C113SS 433Galactic micro-quasar. Freq 80-230 MHz. Available Aug/Sept. *Note within C112 field.1302.301
C117TN 0924-2201Test object for high-z HI absorption1661.095
C118Fornax AFreq: 80-230 MHz3053.328
C119Space DebrisFreq: FM band, central chan 81.90.406
C120Fixed DEC -6Fixed DEC scan at DEC -6 (corresponding to a sweet spot pointing)12236.385
C121Galactic CentreMonitoring of variable sources in GC.242.642
C122Cluster Relic and Halo EmissionA3376 (RA 6, DEC -40), A3667 (RA 5:49, DEC -24:28) and the Bullet Cluster (RA 7, DEC -56)992.668
D0000Unspecified Director's timeCatch-all for Director's time observations that don't have a project ID.412821351.973
D0001H.E.S.S. and MWA linkages(Rowell) Technical investigation of H.E.S.S. and MWA linkages for transient source studies (Rowell)110.000
D0002High time and/or freq testsTest observations for non-standard correlator modes using high time and/or frequency resolution.70140.953
D0004Voltage capture testingDirector's time allocated to testing the voltage capture system.452551.517
D0005AAVS0.5 testsTests of the prototype AAVS0.5 tile.7960323.006
D0006CalibrationInstrument stability and calibration tests.518092811.358
D0007MWA/Skymapper/Kepler(leader: Christian Wolf) Simultaneous observations of the Kepler K2 field 1.28611.877
D0008GAMA 300 MHzObservations of the GAMA fields at 300 MHz131233.492
D0009GRB follow-upImmediate follow-up of GRB events.159462.723
D0010GW event follow-upImmediate follow-up of gravity wave (e.g. LIGO) events.66717.689
D0011IPSInterplanetary Scintillation observations.6235348.217
D0012Shadowing Parkes FRB observationsP.I. Tingay5241309.614
D0013Observation of High-Redshift Quasar(P.I. Cathie Zheng) Observation of High-Redshift Quasar SDSS J131911.29+095051.341427.039
D0014Outburst monitoring(P.I. James Miller-Jones) Outburst monitoring (black hole X-ray binaries etc)46529.604
D0015Cosmic web observation(P.I. Torrance Hodgson) Cosmic web observation (Abell 2033 & Abell 2029)2337232.204
D0016HIGHZ HI absorption DDT(P.I. James Allison) DDT time for HIghZ: A search for HI absorption in high-redshift radio galaxies31350.373
D0017All-sky scan test(P.I. Marcin Sokolowski) Engineering test of all-sky scan (using all sweet spots).69543.716
D0018MWA LAGER-COSMOS Pilot Project(P.I. Z.Y. Zheng) MWA LAGER-COSMOS Pilot Project: Deep 21cm Imaging of the Bubbles and Voids Revealed by the Lyα Galaxies at z~724415.404
D0019Pulsars with MWA and GMRT(P.I. B. Meyers) Sporadically Emitting Pulsars at Low Frequencies with MWA and GMRT2481.797
D0020Space Situational Awareness (VCS)(P.I. Brendan Henessey) VCS observations for Space Situational Awareness21583.513
D0021Space Situational Awareness (HTR-VCS)(P.I. Prof. Steven Tingay) HTR-VCS observations for Space Situational Awareness12515.411
D0022Pulsar outbursts(P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Pulsar outbursts ( specifically XTE J1810 )9141.814
D0023IPS observations for SKA calibration analysis(P.I. Maria Rioja) IPS observations for SKA calibration analysis750110.084
D0024The MWA Phase 2 Observations of GAMA 23 Field(P.I. Jaidan Cook) The MWA Phase 2 Observations of GAMA 23 Field202.499
D0025Monitoring variable peaked spectrum sources(P.I. Kathryn Ross) Low-Frequency Variability Monitoring of Peaked Spectrum Sources90646.761
D0026Solar observations using XSM on Chandrayaan-2 and MWA(P.I. Divya Oberoi) Solar observations using XSM on Chandrayaan-2 and MWA35940.676
D0027Cold gas associated with high redshift compact AGNs(P.I. Tao An) Cold gas associated with high redshift compact AGNs59275.990
D0028Searching for SGR 1935+2154 in radio(P.I. Tao An) Searching for the Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154 at low radio frequencies44038.741
D0029Pulsar discovery followup(P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Timing and imaging follow-up of the first pulsar discovery from the MWA100193.342
D0030Searching for SGR 1935+2154 in radio, 2020B(P.I. Tao An) Searching for the Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154 at low radio frequencies3546.684
D0031ESO253-G003 Periodic TDE; Search for Radio Signature(P.I. Ben McKinley) ESO253-G003 Periodic TDE; Search for Radio Signature18423.733
D0032Followup of a periodic radio transient(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup observations of a transient found by the GLEAM-X survey9069.667
D0033Pulsar candidate followup(P.I. Marcin Sokolowski) Follow-up of a potential pulsar candidate414.066
D0034MWA and FAST observations of RRAT J1332-03(P.I.Mengyao Xue) Multi-frequency contemporaneous studies of RRAT J1332-03 using MWA and FAST842.808
D0035MWA + ASKAP observations of TESS Section 36(P.I. David Kaplan) Sector 36 of the TESS mission covers a region at the ecliptic south pole that includes a sample of magnetically active M-dwarf stars. MWA and ASKAP photometry will shadow the TESS observations.25138.704
D0036Observation of spectral turnover pulsar J0738-4042(P.I. Ting Yu) Observation of spectral turnover pulsar J0738-4042 in Gum nebula686.248
D0037PSR J0901−4046(P.I. Manisha Caleb) Low frequency observations of PSR J0901−40466117.073
D0038Followup of a periodic radio transient(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup observations of another transient found by the GLEAM-X survey1862794.036
D0039Star-Planet interaction in AU Mic(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Star-Planet Interaction in the Nearby AU Microscopii Exoplanet System11459.588
D0040All-sky observation with MWA and EDA2(P.I. Randall Wayth) Simultaneous MWA/EDA2 observations for an m-mode all-sky image with 0.1 degree resolution289132.714
D0041Moon observations for EoR(P. I. Himanshu Tiwari) Observations of the same field with, and without, the Moon present in the field.495212.018
D0042Followup of a periodic radio transient(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup of a long-period transient3920.584
D0043A Targeted Near-Field Search for Intrinsic Emission from Fireballs(P.I. Steve Prabu) A Targeted Near-Field Search for Intrinsic Emission from Fireballs460226.994
D0044Follow-up of Galactic radio transients(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Follow-up observations of some Galactic radio transients452265.491
D0045Pulsar candidate followup(P.I. Yujie Wang) Followup of a pulsar candidate in the Galactic Bulge396.643
G0001The MWA long-term radio sky monitor(Bell) The MWA long-term radio sky monitor16165235.031
G0002Solar Observations(Cairns) Unbiased Solar Observations for Burst, Calibration, and Quiet Sun Studies412694834.054
G0003Scintillation and turbulence in the Milky Way(Hancock) Exploiting the MWA field of view to study scintillation and the structure of turbulence in the Milky Way.58110.822
G0004Monitoring the Galaxy(Kaplan) Monitoring the Galaxy1598111.030
G0008GLEAM(Staveley-Smith) A Galactic and Extragalactic All-Sky MWA Survey923815345.844
G0009EoR(Webster) Epoch of Reionisation1658391875.784
G0010Xray and Dark Matter heating Before the EoR(Ewall-Wice) Constraining Xray and Dark Matter heating Before the Epoch of Reionization (EoR): Preliminary Observations at Low Frequency with the MWA246634.477
G0011Diffuse Radio Emission in Galaxy Clusters(Johnston-Hollitt) Testing Predicitons for Diffuse Radio Emission in Massive Galaxy Clusters143448.155
G0012Horologium-Reticulum supercluster(Johnston-Hollitt) The Horologium-Reticulum supercluster as a cosmic laboratory to investigate the role of environment on the radio source population.908.861
G0015RRLs in GC and NGC6334(Kitaeff) Spectral line observations towards the Galactic Centre and NGC63342264150.476
G0016Circ pol emission from exoplanets and ultracool dwarfs(Murphy) A search for circularly polarised emission from exoplanets and ultracool dwarf stars.223387.206
G0017Global EoR with the moon(McKinley) Using the Moon to detect the global EoR signal.13317781.015
G0018Detecting Molecular Lines with the MWAP.I. C. Tremblay2212220.994
G0019Investigation of non-closing digital effects in the MWA correlatorP.I. Lonsdale42.142
G0020Characterizing the ionosphere over the MWA under a variety of conditionsP.I. Lonsdale95925.981
G0021Low-frequency investigations of the Parkes pulsar timing array millisecond pulsarsP.I. Bhat5651654.461
G0023Shadowing Kepler K2P.I. Tingay554.252
G0024FRBs with the MWAP.I. S. Tremblay6143351.304
G0025A search for intrinsic radio emission from Fireballs with the MWAP.I. Hancock51822.466
G0026Detection of HI Absorption toward a z~5.3 Radio­‐loud QSODetection of HI Absorption toward a z~5.3 Radio-loud QSO2299.920
G0028Using MWA hexes for fast radio transients(PI Hancock) A pilot study using the MWA-Hex configurations to search for fast radio transients.130856.831
G0031Epoch of Reionization using drift scans(PI Paul) Detection of redshifted HI from the Epoch of Reionization using drift scans165016.930
G0034Shadowing Parkes FRB observationsP.I. Ramesh Bhat698362736.500
G0035MWA targeted campaign of nearby, flaring M dwarf starsP.I. Christene Lynch5514332.195
G0036HIghZ: A search for HI absorption in high-redshift radio galaxiesP.I. James Allison4069370.079
G0037A search for HI absorption in the z=5.2 radio galaxy TN 0924-2201P.I. Elaine Sadler180368.726
G0038Sporadically Emitting Pulsars(P.I. B. Meyers) Sporadically Emitting Pulsars at Low Frequencies45030.919
G0039LoBES : Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey(P.I. Cathryn Trott) LoBES : Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey124783.298
G0040Follow up observations of UV Ceti(P.I. C. Lynch) Follow up observations of UV Ceti3092165.884
G0041MAGE­‐X: A Deep Survey of the Magellanic System(P.I. Lister Staveley-­Smith) MAGE­‐X: A Deep Survey of the Magellanic System4739267.262
G0042Searching for pulsars in the image domain: pilot study(PI T. Murphy) Searching for pulsars in the image domain: pilot study1969107.789
G0043Deep imaging with the extended MWA(PI A. Offringa) Deep imaging with the extended MWA: EoR foregrounds and source population analysis96260.903
G0044EoR SKA Fields(PI Q. Zheng) Deep Imaging of Two Selected EoR Fields: Preparing for SKA3847245.108
G0045MWA diffuse cluster emission(PI: S.W. Duchesne) An MWA Phase II follow-up of MWA-detected diffuse, non-thermal galaxy cluster emission2604170.481
G0046MWA KAT-7 clusters(PI G.Bernardi) An unbiased census of radio halos in mass-selected, low redshift galaxy clusters: the low frequency view3579218.791
G0047MIDAS(PI N. Seymour) The MWA Interestingly Deep AStrophysical (MIDAS) Survey6116379.328
G0048Shapley Concentration(P.I. T. Venturi) The Universe’s largest scale structures: MWA observations of the Shapley Concentration98756.491
G0049Nearby Low-Luminosity QSOs(P.I. Chenxi Shan) MWA Observations of Nearby Low-Luminosity QSOs: Pilot Study1872108.772
G0050An MWA Probe of Galaxy Groups(P.I. Dan Hu) An MWA Probe of Galaxy Groups in the Low-Frequency Radio Sky116377.492
G0051Abell 2877 HT(P.I. Torrance Hodgson) Ultrasteep Spectrum Source Abell 2877 HT43825.389
G0052Outbursts X-ray binaries(P. I. Jaiverdhan Chauhan) Monitoring of X-ray binary transient outbursts with the MWA109176.817
G0053Synchrotron Cosmic Web(P.I Torrance Hodgson) Searching for the Synchrotron Cosmic Web ( in 2018A under D0015 )7824469.551
G0054M-mode observations(P.I. Dr. A. P. Beardsley) m-mode Observations with the MWA291514.315
G0055GRB alerts(P.I. Gemma Anderson) Proposal for MWA rapid-response observations of GRBs1684358.266
G0056X-ray superflares(P.I. Gemma Anderson) Catching the low frequency radio component of stellar X-ray superflares1209.990
G0057MWA pulsar survey(P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey7093206.010
G0058Proxima Centauri(P.I. Andrew Zic) Space weather monitoring of Proxima Centauri737131.839
G0059A3395/A3391 cluster bridge(P.I. Gianni Bernardi) Searching for the radio bridge in the A3395 and A3391 cluster pair9614.081
G0060IPS survey(P.I. John Morgan) An Interplanetary Scintillation Survey with the extended Phase II MWA180492799.001
G0061FAST pulsar candidate(P.I. Ramesh Bhat) MWA follow-up of a FAST pulsar candidate485.222
G0062Orbital dynamics of PSR J1145-6545(P.I. Vivek Krishnan) Orbital Dynamics and the Radio Beam of PSR J1145-654523115.168
G0063Radio pules from the Geminga Pulsar(P.I. Avinash Deshpande) Coordinated MWA-GBD search for radio pulses from the Geminga Pulsar10106.762
G0064Axion dark matter searches(P.I. Christoph Weniger) Axion dark matter searches with the MWA9211.943
G0065Dispersion variation in J2241-5236(P.I. Dilpreet Kaur) Dispersion measure variations in MSP J2241-52363665.364
G0066Intermediate dispersion pulsar scattering(P.I. Hongyu Gong) Scattering of intermediate dispersion pulsars1086.634
G0067Monitoring variable peaked spectrum sources(P.I. Kathryn Ross) Low-Frequency Variability Monitoring of Peaked Spectrum Sources4409500.368
G0068Targeted pulsar search towards promising candidates identified in radio surveys(P.I. Charlotte Sobey) Targeted pulsar search towards promising candidates identified in radio surveys104293.789
G0069HI absorption against z~10 galaxy(P.I. Nick Seymour) Observing HI in Absorption Against a Luminous z ~ 10 Radio Galaxy3269167.215
G0070Detecting cosmic ray air showers(P.I. Alexander Williamson) Detecting cosmic-ray extensive air showers98512.317
G0071Sub-pulse drifting for three pulsars(P.I. Parul Janagal) Investigation of sub-pulse drifting properties for three pulsars25192.974
G0072Triggering on Neutrino transient candidates(P.I. Bouwhuis, Mieke) Triggering on Neutrino transient candidates from ANTARES, etc25529.504
G0073Probe of radio bridges in merging galaxy cluster pairs(P.I. Hu, Dan) An MWA Probe of Radio Bridges in Merging Galaxy Cluster Pairs in the Low-Frequency Radio Band5390344.785
G0074Detecting ionised bubbles around Lyman-Alpha galaxies(P.I. Trott, Cathryn) Detecting ionised bubbles in the early Universe with stacked observations around Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies129873.543
G0075Pulsar discovery followup(P.I. Bhat, Ramesh) Timing and imaging follow-up of the first Pulsar discovery from the MWA24106.597
G0076Space Domain Awareness with the MWA(P.I. Hancock, Paul) Demonstrating advanced space domain awareness capability with the MWA50828.932
G0077VCS observations of the Sun(P.I. Oberoi, Divya) High Time Resolution Observations of the Sun using the Voltage Capture System3229.315
G0078Searching for FRB121102(P.I. Xu, Zhijun) Searching for the FRB121102 at low radio frequencies1987.477
G0079Follow-up of a periodic radio transient(P. I. Hurley-Walker, Natasha) Follow-up of a periodic radio transient53222.628
G0080Monitoring for transients in the Galactic Plane(P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Monitoring the Galactic Plane for minute-timescale radio transients1913905.033
G0081Imaging lightning(P.I. S. J. McSweeney) Pilot study to image lightning in high time and spatial resolution.24119.462
G0084Hunt for diffuse radio halo in Abell 3667(P.I. C Riseley) A low-frequency hunt for the diffuse radiohalo in Abell 36672076501.158
G0085Lensing of the EoR by massive cluster(P.I. H Shan) Lensing magnification of the EoR 21cm signal by massive cluster: foreground modelling with extended array2448496.271
G0086FRB search pipeline with MWAX real time beamformer(P.I. M Sokolowski) Commissioning the commensal FRB search pipeline using the MWAX real-time beamformer13950.005
G0087Searching for repeating FRBs(P.I. Z Xu) Searching for repeating FRBs at low radio frequencies18250.002
G0088Monitoring quadruple M dwarf system for radio flares(P.I. X Zhang) Monitoring a quadruple M dwarf system for minute-timescale radio flares504234.822
G0089Search for Pulsars in Globular Clusters(P.I.Z Zhang) A Pioneer Search for Pulsars in Low Frequency in Globular Clusters391.249
G0090Subaru HSC LAE field survey(P.I. Yoshiura, S.) Survey of the Subaru HSC Lyman Alpha Emitter fields31211.662
G0091Deep Imaging of EoR fields(P.I. Zheng, Q.) Deep Imaging of EoR Fields with MWA Compact Configuration22559.353
G0092Monitoring a long-period radio transient(P.I. N. Hurley-Walker) Timing and spectropolarimetric observations of a long-period radio transient. Continues D0038.157239.449
G0093Space Weather using Pulsars(P.I. D. Kaur) Space weather monitoring using pulsars as probes85.935
OA002Study of the lowest DM pulsar(Maan) "Using the MWA for Confirmatory Detection, Localization and Study of the Lowest Dispersion Measure Pulsar"438.075
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