- Updated look and feel.
- Changed font to be much more readable for numbers.
- We've added a twitter feed (@mwa_asvo) which will be used to update users of any service status changes or issues to the MWA ASVO.
- Dates are now displayed in ISO 8601 format.
- Added Change Password feature.
- Accessing a web page which requires the user to be logged in will now take them to a login page.
- On query page, "project" dropdown is now sorted correctly.
- Upon registering, users will now be shown a message box telling them their registration is successful and that they will need to verify their email address. This should prevent users from clicking register multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where the "Jobs" page and the manta-ray-client did not allow the use of a non-integer time resolution setting. e.g. 0.5 would result in an error: "Time resolution not of type integer".
- Fixed an issue where the query form is not showing all observations when performing a search.
- Fixed an issue where Rerunning rerunning the manta-ray-client with the same csv file produces multiple jobs (which are all the same except for the order of the parameters), instead of 'reconnecting' to the existing job(s).
- The processor will explicitly ignore files in the archive which are not required for the data job. This will prevent errors like this: "MWA: 50 and NGAS: 51 file number mismatch; ignoring: 1066572736" from occurring.
- Fixed several issues when closing down processes.
{"serverDuration": 245, "requestCorrelationId": "5cbd3e3237e14915bca9b77915a2b271"}