- This item relates to the front end web site of the MWA ASVO and the associated VO TAP service.
- This item relates to the python API and command line client of the MWA ASVO (manta-ray-clientCommand Line Client).
- This item relates to the server back-end of the MWA ASVO system, which includes the dispatch service, processor service and cotter.
- Enhancements:
- New new command line option: -e <error_file> | --error-file=<error_file> | --errfile=<error_file>. This allows users to specify a file which all job-related errors are written to in a machine-readable format (JSON). This is to make it easier for users to write batch processes to submit, download and track MWA ASVO jobs.
- mwa_client now uses the argparse module instead of the deprecated optparse module to process command line arguments.
- Command line option -w | --download-only= now accepts "all" as well as a job id of 0 to mean- download any jobs which are available for download.
{"serverDuration": 311, "requestCorrelationId": "3a083b9ab4ea44d1a3d8a7cdf3ae4292"}