This item relates to the front end web site of the MWA ASVO and the associated VO TAP service.Status colour Green title web
This item relates to the python API and command line client of the MWA ASVO (MWA ASVO: Command Line Client (manta-ray-client)).Status colour Blue title client
This item relates to the server back-end of the MWA ASVO system, which includes the dispatch service, processor service and cotter.Status colour Yellow title backend
This represents a breaking change to existing functionalityStatus subtle true colour Red title Breaking
21 July 2023
manta-ray-client now prints the line/job number with submission issues in order to make finding and fixing issues in the csv file easier.Status colour Blue title client
19th July 2023
ChangedStatus colour Yellow title backend copyq
partition toasvo-copyq
partition, Updating the Slurm output logs, and adding birli_manifest to check for better astro filesystem debugging.