This page describes the human-readable web pages used to view information about the current MWA status, and MWA observations both past and future. If you are interested in machine-readable access to any of the data or plots shown on any of these pages, see the related article describing the MWA web services.
These plots are generated at 6am every morning (AWST), and cover the preceding 12 hours, from 6pm the previous night. Clicking on a date/time brings up a page showing thumbnail images for all tiles (ask the ops team for username/password details, the password protection is just to deter web-scrapers that ignore our robots.txt directives).
These thumbnails show X-pol and X-Y (the difference between the polarisations) for either the median of all tiles (the first plot) or the individual tiles on each receiver. Clicking on a thumbnail brings up the full waterfall plot for that tile.
The full waterfall plot is divided into three sections, left-right - X pol, X-Y, and Y pol. Each has frequency (0 - 327.68 MHz) on the horizontal axis, time (hours before the time that the plot was generated, most recent times at the top of the plot) on the vertical axis, and colour indicating the PPD power for that tile, at that frequency, at that time. There are tick markers on the inner vertical axes - major ticks every two hours, and minor ticks at the start of each scheduled MWA observation. Clicking inside the plot shows a new page with a graph of the full-spectrum power from that tile, at that instant (which depends where in the plot you click).
RFI is visible as short lived (small height) narrow band (small width) bright patches. For example, in every plot, there's a series of bright streaks at 137 MHz going up the plot, which is Orbcom. The vertical axis has tickmarks between the X and XY sections, and between the XY and Y sections, but they aren't visible in some plots against the background colour.
Schedule maps:
Graphical maps showing the contents of the MWA schedule are available here: http://telemetry-static.mwa128t.org/schedmap