Code Block | ||||||||
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#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=VCSBeam-1323690616 #SBATCH --nodes=24 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=370gb #SBATCH --partition=gpuq #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 #SBATCH --account=mwavcs #SBATCH --nice=0 #SBATCH --export=NONE # Load the VCSBeam module module use /pawsey/mwa/software/python3/modulefiles module load vcsbeam # Define the directories where the data are DATADIR=/astro/mwavcs/asvo/253008 CALSOL=/astro/mwavcs/vcs/1323690320/hyperdrive/hyperdrive_solutions.bin OBS_METAFITS=${DATADIR}/1323690616.metafits CAL_METAFITS=/astro/mwavcs/asvo/253001/1323690320.metafits # Run VCSBeam for all 24 coarse channels # Start 8 seconds in, just to avoid quacktime # -p -v = Output both PSRFITS and VDIF srun -N 24 -n 24 make_mwa_tied_array_beam \ -m ${OBS_METAFITS} \ -b 1323690624 \ -T 1192 \ -f 109 \ -d ${DATADIR} \ -P pointings.txt \ -c ${CAL_METAFITS} \ -C ${CALSOL} \ -O \ -R NONE -U 0,0 \ -p \ -v |
Prepare a pointings file:
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00:34:08.8703 -07:21:53.409 |
Run the VCSBeam beamforming script: