Fringe stopping has been validated against the output of Birli and shown to produce identical results in tests involving hand-crafted data, designed to test particular aspects of its behaviour in isolation. Results on real-world data, from running fringe stopping on live observations simultaneously with Birli in a split-mode configuration, have shown fringe-stopping to perform comparably to Birli on short integration times and fine frequency averaging, and with superior results on longer integration times and coarser channel averaging,.
The validation process will be described in detail in a future publication.
Diagram: Time-phase plots for fringe stopping (blue) vs Birli (gold) for five baselines (rows) at increasing integration times (columns, 0.5s, 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s).
Diagram: Frequency-phase plots for fringe stopping (left) vs Birli (right), using hand-crafted data to examine phase slopes at an instant in time.