The MWA is usually far more limited by the volume of the data collected than it is by hours available on the sky. Using a correlator mode with less frequency or time averaging not only uses more space in the archive, it also means your data will take more time to download and reduce. You can use this online tool to estimate the amount of data you can expect from your proposal by entering the number of hours, frequency averaging, and integration time (or by selecting the 'VCS mode' checkbox): https://ws.mwatelescope.org/data/volcalc/
Proposals will be ranked by the TAC purely on scientific merit, but if there isn't enough space remaining in the MWA archive, ones that require very large amounts of data may be rejected for operational reasons.
Note - in long baseline configuration, integration time should be 0.5 seconds or less, and frequency resolution should be 10 kHz or less.