Each successful proposal is allocated an new project code (aka project id). Continuing proposals usually keep their existing code. The following table summarises all existing MWA Project codes:
As at 2023-06-07 15:02:16
Project ID | Short Name | Description | Num Observations | Archived Data (TB) |
A0001 | Emission from clusters and superclusers | (Kale) Syncrotron emission on cluster and supercluster scales: The Shapley supercluster | 186 | 4.473 |
C001 | Default | Default | 81246 | 600.131 |
C002 | Trigger testing | Testing new trigger front end override | 12 | 0.000 |
C100 | Instrument Verification Program | Short (~2min) scans on strong calibrator sources. Freq: 80-250 MHz. LST range: all. Subarrays: all | 6959 | 114.424 |
C101 | Meridian Snapshot Survey | The Southern Continuum Interferometric Snapshot Survey Of the Radio Sky. Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all. | 3200 | 13.370 |
C102 | Fixed-DEC drift survey. DEC -27 | Night-time drift scans at zenith (DEC -27). Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all. | 5998 | 70.268 |
C103 | Fixed-DEC drift survey. DEC -47 | Night-time drift scans at DEC -47, az=180. Freq: 104-195 MHz. LST range: sunset to sunrise. Subarrays: all. | 2246 | 7.324 |
C104 | EoR fields | http://mwa-lfd.haystack.mit.edu/twiki/pub/Main/Commissioning/EoR_commissioning_plan_July2012.pdf | 1507 | 18.418 |
C105 | Sun Drifts | Drift scan observations of the Sun, often from rise to set. Freq: 80-230 MHz, 270-300 MHz. Subarrays: all. | 185 | 0.000 |
C106 | Sun Tracks | Tracking observations of the Sun, often from rise to set. Freq: 80-230 MHz, 270-300 MHz. Subarrays: all. | 4132 | 30.386 |
C110 | Moon imaging and RFI | Moon imaging and RFI | 214 | 1.203 |
C111 | LMC | LMC | 483 | 0.801 |
C112 | W44 | W44 Galactic plane field. Freq: 80-230 MHz | 733 | 5.076 |
C113 | SS 433 | Galactic micro-quasar. Freq 80-230 MHz. Available Aug/Sept. *Note within C112 field. | 130 | 2.301 |
C117 | TN 0924-2201 | Test object for high-z HI absorption | 166 | 1.095 |
C118 | Fornax A | Freq: 80-230 MHz | 305 | 3.328 |
C119 | Space Debris | Freq: FM band, central chan 81. | 9 | 0.406 |
C120 | Fixed DEC -6 | Fixed DEC scan at DEC -6 (corresponding to a sweet spot pointing) | 1223 | 6.385 |
C121 | Galactic Centre | Monitoring of variable sources in GC. | 24 | 2.642 |
C122 | Cluster Relic and Halo Emission | A3376 (RA 6, DEC -40), A3667 (RA 5:49, DEC -24:28) and the Bullet Cluster (RA 7, DEC -56) | 99 | 2.668 |
D0000 | Unspecified Director's time | Catch-all for Director's time observations that don't have a project ID. | 41282 | 1351.973 |
D0001 | H.E.S.S. and MWA linkages | (Rowell) Technical investigation of H.E.S.S. and MWA linkages for transient source studies (Rowell) | 11 | 0.000 |
D0002 | High time and/or freq tests | Test observations for non-standard correlator modes using high time and/or frequency resolution. | 701 | 40.953 |
D0004 | Voltage capture testing | Director's time allocated to testing the voltage capture system. | 452 | 551.517 |
D0005 | AAVS0.5 tests | Tests of the prototype AAVS0.5 tile. | 7960 | 323.006 |
D0006 | Calibration | Instrument stability and calibration tests. | 51809 | 2811.358 |
D0007 | MWA/Skymapper/Kepler | (leader: Christian Wolf) Simultaneous observations of the Kepler K2 field 1. | 286 | 11.877 |
D0008 | GAMA 300 MHz | Observations of the GAMA fields at 300 MHz | 1312 | 33.492 |
D0009 | GRB follow-up | Immediate follow-up of GRB events. | 1594 | 62.723 |
D0010 | GW event follow-up | Immediate follow-up of gravity wave (e.g. LIGO) events. | 667 | 17.689 |
D0011 | IPS | Interplanetary Scintillation observations. | 6235 | 348.217 |
D0012 | Shadowing Parkes FRB observations | P.I. Tingay | 5241 | 309.614 |
D0013 | Observation of High-Redshift Quasar | (P.I. Cathie Zheng) Observation of High-Redshift Quasar SDSS J131911.29+095051.3 | 414 | 27.039 |
D0014 | Outburst monitoring | (P.I. James Miller-Jones) Outburst monitoring (black hole X-ray binaries etc) | 465 | 29.604 |
D0015 | Cosmic web observation | (P.I. Torrance Hodgson) Cosmic web observation (Abell 2033 & Abell 2029) | 2337 | 232.204 |
D0016 | HIGHZ HI absorption DDT | (P.I. James Allison) DDT time for HIghZ: A search for HI absorption in high-redshift radio galaxies | 313 | 50.373 |
D0017 | All-sky scan test | (P.I. Marcin Sokolowski) Engineering test of all-sky scan (using all sweet spots). | 695 | 43.716 |
D0018 | MWA LAGER-COSMOS Pilot Project | (P.I. Z.Y. Zheng) MWA LAGER-COSMOS Pilot Project: Deep 21cm Imaging of the Bubbles and Voids Revealed by the Lyα Galaxies at z~7 | 244 | 15.404 |
D0019 | Pulsars with MWA and GMRT | (P.I. B. Meyers) Sporadically Emitting Pulsars at Low Frequencies with MWA and GMRT | 24 | 81.797 |
D0020 | Space Situational Awareness (VCS) | (P.I. Brendan Henessey) VCS observations for Space Situational Awareness | 215 | 83.513 |
D0021 | Space Situational Awareness (HTR-VCS) | (P.I. Prof. Steven Tingay) HTR-VCS observations for Space Situational Awareness | 125 | 15.411 |
D0022 | Pulsar outbursts | (P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Pulsar outbursts ( specifically XTE J1810 ) | 91 | 41.814 |
D0023 | IPS observations for SKA calibration analysis | (P.I. Maria Rioja) IPS observations for SKA calibration analysis | 750 | 110.084 |
D0024 | The MWA Phase 2 Observations of GAMA 23 Field | (P.I. Jaidan Cook) The MWA Phase 2 Observations of GAMA 23 Field | 20 | 2.499 |
D0025 | Monitoring variable peaked spectrum sources | (P.I. Kathryn Ross) Low-Frequency Variability Monitoring of Peaked Spectrum Sources | 906 | 46.761 |
D0026 | Solar observations using XSM on Chandrayaan-2 and MWA | (P.I. Divya Oberoi) Solar observations using XSM on Chandrayaan-2 and MWA | 359 | 40.676 |
D0027 | Cold gas associated with high redshift compact AGNs | (P.I. Tao An) Cold gas associated with high redshift compact AGNs | 592 | 75.990 |
D0028 | Searching for SGR 1935+2154 in radio | (P.I. Tao An) Searching for the Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154 at low radio frequencies | 440 | 38.741 |
D0029 | Pulsar discovery followup | (P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Timing and imaging follow-up of the first pulsar discovery from the MWA | 100 | 193.342 |
D0030 | Searching for SGR 1935+2154 in radio, 2020B | (P.I. Tao An) Searching for the Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154 at low radio frequencies | 35 | 46.684 |
D0031 | ESO253-G003 Periodic TDE; Search for Radio Signature | (P.I. Ben McKinley) ESO253-G003 Periodic TDE; Search for Radio Signature | 184 | 23.733 |
D0032 | Followup of a periodic radio transient | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup observations of a transient found by the GLEAM-X survey | 90 | 69.667 |
D0033 | Pulsar candidate followup | (P.I. Marcin Sokolowski) Follow-up of a potential pulsar candidate | 4 | 14.066 |
D0034 | MWA and FAST observations of RRAT J1332-03 | (P.I.Mengyao Xue) Multi-frequency contemporaneous studies of RRAT J1332-03 using MWA and FAST | 8 | 42.808 |
D0035 | MWA + ASKAP observations of TESS Section 36 | (P.I. David Kaplan) Sector 36 of the TESS mission covers a region at the ecliptic south pole that includes a sample of magnetically active M-dwarf stars. MWA and ASKAP photometry will shadow the TESS observations. | 251 | 38.704 |
D0036 | Observation of spectral turnover pulsar J0738-4042 | (P.I. Ting Yu) Observation of spectral turnover pulsar J0738-4042 in Gum nebula | 6 | 86.248 |
D0037 | PSR J0901−4046 | (P.I. Manisha Caleb) Low frequency observations of PSR J0901−4046 | 6 | 117.073 |
D0038 | Followup of a periodic radio transient | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup observations of another transient found by the GLEAM-X survey | 1862 | 794.036 |
D0039 | Star-Planet interaction in AU Mic | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Star-Planet Interaction in the Nearby AU Microscopii Exoplanet System | 114 | 59.588 |
D0040 | All-sky observation with MWA and EDA2 | (P.I. Randall Wayth) Simultaneous MWA/EDA2 observations for an m-mode all-sky image with 0.1 degree resolution | 2891 | 32.714 |
D0041 | Moon observations for EoR | (P. I. Himanshu Tiwari) Observations of the same field with, and without, the Moon present in the field. | 495 | 212.018 |
D0042 | Followup of a periodic radio transient | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Followup of a long-period transient | 39 | 20.584 |
D0043 | A Targeted Near-Field Search for Intrinsic Emission from Fireballs | (P.I. Steve Prabu) A Targeted Near-Field Search for Intrinsic Emission from Fireballs | 460 | 226.994 |
D0044 | Follow-up of Galactic radio transients | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Follow-up observations of some Galactic radio transients | 452 | 265.491 |
D0045 | Pulsar candidate followup | (P.I. Yujie Wang) Followup of a pulsar candidate in the Galactic Bulge | 3 | 96.643 |
G0001 | The MWA long-term radio sky monitor | (Bell) The MWA long-term radio sky monitor | 16165 | 235.031 |
G0002 | Solar Observations | (Cairns) Unbiased Solar Observations for Burst, Calibration, and Quiet Sun Studies | 41269 | 4834.054 |
G0003 | Scintillation and turbulence in the Milky Way | (Hancock) Exploiting the MWA field of view to study scintillation and the structure of turbulence in the Milky Way. | 581 | 10.822 |
G0004 | Monitoring the Galaxy | (Kaplan) Monitoring the Galaxy | 1598 | 111.030 |
G0008 | GLEAM | (Staveley-Smith) A Galactic and Extragalactic All-Sky MWA Survey | 92381 | 5345.844 |
G0009 | EoR | (Webster) Epoch of Reionisation | 165839 | 1875.784 |
G0010 | Xray and Dark Matter heating Before the EoR | (Ewall-Wice) Constraining Xray and Dark Matter heating Before the Epoch of Reionization (EoR): Preliminary Observations at Low Frequency with the MWA | 2466 | 34.477 |
G0011 | Diffuse Radio Emission in Galaxy Clusters | (Johnston-Hollitt) Testing Predicitons for Diffuse Radio Emission in Massive Galaxy Clusters | 1434 | 48.155 |
G0012 | Horologium-Reticulum supercluster | (Johnston-Hollitt) The Horologium-Reticulum supercluster as a cosmic laboratory to investigate the role of environment on the radio source population. | 90 | 8.861 |
G0015 | RRLs in GC and NGC6334 | (Kitaeff) Spectral line observations towards the Galactic Centre and NGC6334 | 2264 | 150.476 |
G0016 | Circ pol emission from exoplanets and ultracool dwarfs | (Murphy) A search for circularly polarised emission from exoplanets and ultracool dwarf stars. | 2233 | 87.206 |
G0017 | Global EoR with the moon | (McKinley) Using the Moon to detect the global EoR signal. | 13317 | 781.015 |
G0018 | Detecting Molecular Lines with the MWA | P.I. C. Tremblay | 2212 | 220.994 |
G0019 | Investigation of non-closing digital effects in the MWA correlator | P.I. Lonsdale | 4 | 2.142 |
G0020 | Characterizing the ionosphere over the MWA under a variety of conditions | P.I. Lonsdale | 959 | 25.981 |
G0021 | Low-frequency investigations of the Parkes pulsar timing array millisecond pulsars | P.I. Bhat | 565 | 1654.461 |
G0023 | Shadowing Kepler K2 | P.I. Tingay | 55 | 4.252 |
G0024 | FRBs with the MWA | P.I. S. Tremblay | 614 | 3351.304 |
G0025 | A search for intrinsic radio emission from Fireballs with the MWA | P.I. Hancock | 518 | 22.466 |
G0026 | Detection of HI Absorption toward a z~5.3 Radio‐loud QSO | Detection of HI Absorption toward a z~5.3 Radio-loud QSO | 229 | 9.920 |
G0028 | Using MWA hexes for fast radio transients | (PI Hancock) A pilot study using the MWA-Hex configurations to search for fast radio transients. | 1308 | 56.831 |
G0031 | Epoch of Reionization using drift scans | (PI Paul) Detection of redshifted HI from the Epoch of Reionization using drift scans | 1650 | 16.930 |
G0034 | Shadowing Parkes FRB observations | P.I. Ramesh Bhat | 69836 | 2736.500 |
G0035 | MWA targeted campaign of nearby, flaring M dwarf stars | P.I. Christene Lynch | 5514 | 332.195 |
G0036 | HIghZ: A search for HI absorption in high-redshift radio galaxies | P.I. James Allison | 4069 | 370.079 |
G0037 | A search for HI absorption in the z=5.2 radio galaxy TN 0924-2201 | P.I. Elaine Sadler | 1803 | 68.726 |
G0038 | Sporadically Emitting Pulsars | (P.I. B. Meyers) Sporadically Emitting Pulsars at Low Frequencies | 450 | 30.919 |
G0039 | LoBES : Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey | (P.I. Cathryn Trott) LoBES : Long Baseline Epoch of Reionisation Survey | 1247 | 83.298 |
G0040 | Follow up observations of UV Ceti | (P.I. C. Lynch) Follow up observations of UV Ceti | 3092 | 165.884 |
G0041 | MAGE‐X: A Deep Survey of the Magellanic System | (P.I. Lister Staveley-Smith) MAGE‐X: A Deep Survey of the Magellanic System | 4739 | 267.262 |
G0042 | Searching for pulsars in the image domain: pilot study | (PI T. Murphy) Searching for pulsars in the image domain: pilot study | 1969 | 107.789 |
G0043 | Deep imaging with the extended MWA | (PI A. Offringa) Deep imaging with the extended MWA: EoR foregrounds and source population analysis | 962 | 60.903 |
G0044 | EoR SKA Fields | (PI Q. Zheng) Deep Imaging of Two Selected EoR Fields: Preparing for SKA | 3847 | 245.108 |
G0045 | MWA diffuse cluster emission | (PI: S.W. Duchesne) An MWA Phase II follow-up of MWA-detected diffuse, non-thermal galaxy cluster emission | 2604 | 170.481 |
G0046 | MWA KAT-7 clusters | (PI G.Bernardi) An unbiased census of radio halos in mass-selected, low redshift galaxy clusters: the low frequency view | 3579 | 218.791 |
G0047 | MIDAS | (PI N. Seymour) The MWA Interestingly Deep AStrophysical (MIDAS) Survey | 6116 | 379.328 |
G0048 | Shapley Concentration | (P.I. T. Venturi) The Universe’s largest scale structures: MWA observations of the Shapley Concentration | 987 | 56.491 |
G0049 | Nearby Low-Luminosity QSOs | (P.I. Chenxi Shan) MWA Observations of Nearby Low-Luminosity QSOs: Pilot Study | 1872 | 108.772 |
G0050 | An MWA Probe of Galaxy Groups | (P.I. Dan Hu) An MWA Probe of Galaxy Groups in the Low-Frequency Radio Sky | 1163 | 77.492 |
G0051 | Abell 2877 HT | (P.I. Torrance Hodgson) Ultrasteep Spectrum Source Abell 2877 HT | 438 | 25.389 |
G0052 | Outbursts X-ray binaries | (P. I. Jaiverdhan Chauhan) Monitoring of X-ray binary transient outbursts with the MWA | 1091 | 76.817 |
G0053 | Synchrotron Cosmic Web | (P.I Torrance Hodgson) Searching for the Synchrotron Cosmic Web ( in 2018A under D0015 ) | 7824 | 469.551 |
G0054 | M-mode observations | (P.I. Dr. A. P. Beardsley) m-mode Observations with the MWA | 2915 | 14.315 |
G0055 | GRB alerts | (P.I. Gemma Anderson) Proposal for MWA rapid-response observations of GRBs | 1684 | 358.266 |
G0056 | X-ray superflares | (P.I. Gemma Anderson) Catching the low frequency radio component of stellar X-ray superflares | 120 | 9.990 |
G0057 | MWA pulsar survey | (P.I. Ramesh Bhat) Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-metre (SMART) pulsar survey | 709 | 3206.010 |
G0058 | Proxima Centauri | (P.I. Andrew Zic) Space weather monitoring of Proxima Centauri | 737 | 131.839 |
G0059 | A3395/A3391 cluster bridge | (P.I. Gianni Bernardi) Searching for the radio bridge in the A3395 and A3391 cluster pair | 96 | 14.081 |
G0060 | IPS survey | (P.I. John Morgan) An Interplanetary Scintillation Survey with the extended Phase II MWA | 18049 | 2799.001 |
G0061 | FAST pulsar candidate | (P.I. Ramesh Bhat) MWA follow-up of a FAST pulsar candidate | 4 | 85.222 |
G0062 | Orbital dynamics of PSR J1145-6545 | (P.I. Vivek Krishnan) Orbital Dynamics and the Radio Beam of PSR J1145-6545 | 23 | 115.168 |
G0063 | Radio pules from the Geminga Pulsar | (P.I. Avinash Deshpande) Coordinated MWA-GBD search for radio pulses from the Geminga Pulsar | 10 | 106.762 |
G0064 | Axion dark matter searches | (P.I. Christoph Weniger) Axion dark matter searches with the MWA | 92 | 11.943 |
G0065 | Dispersion variation in J2241-5236 | (P.I. Dilpreet Kaur) Dispersion measure variations in MSP J2241-5236 | 36 | 65.364 |
G0066 | Intermediate dispersion pulsar scattering | (P.I. Hongyu Gong) Scattering of intermediate dispersion pulsars | 10 | 86.634 |
G0067 | Monitoring variable peaked spectrum sources | (P.I. Kathryn Ross) Low-Frequency Variability Monitoring of Peaked Spectrum Sources | 4409 | 500.368 |
G0068 | Targeted pulsar search towards promising candidates identified in radio surveys | (P.I. Charlotte Sobey) Targeted pulsar search towards promising candidates identified in radio surveys | 104 | 293.789 |
G0069 | HI absorption against z~10 galaxy | (P.I. Nick Seymour) Observing HI in Absorption Against a Luminous z ~ 10 Radio Galaxy | 3269 | 167.215 |
G0070 | Detecting cosmic ray air showers | (P.I. Alexander Williamson) Detecting cosmic-ray extensive air showers | 98 | 512.317 |
G0071 | Sub-pulse drifting for three pulsars | (P.I. Parul Janagal) Investigation of sub-pulse drifting properties for three pulsars | 25 | 192.974 |
G0072 | Triggering on Neutrino transient candidates | (P.I. Bouwhuis, Mieke) Triggering on Neutrino transient candidates from ANTARES, etc | 255 | 29.504 |
G0073 | Probe of radio bridges in merging galaxy cluster pairs | (P.I. Hu, Dan) An MWA Probe of Radio Bridges in Merging Galaxy Cluster Pairs in the Low-Frequency Radio Band | 5390 | 344.785 |
G0074 | Detecting ionised bubbles around Lyman-Alpha galaxies | (P.I. Trott, Cathryn) Detecting ionised bubbles in the early Universe with stacked observations around Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies | 1298 | 73.543 |
G0075 | Pulsar discovery followup | (P.I. Bhat, Ramesh) Timing and imaging follow-up of the first Pulsar discovery from the MWA | 24 | 106.597 |
G0076 | Space Domain Awareness with the MWA | (P.I. Hancock, Paul) Demonstrating advanced space domain awareness capability with the MWA | 508 | 28.932 |
G0077 | VCS observations of the Sun | (P.I. Oberoi, Divya) High Time Resolution Observations of the Sun using the Voltage Capture System | 32 | 29.315 |
G0078 | Searching for FRB121102 | (P.I. Xu, Zhijun) Searching for the FRB121102 at low radio frequencies | 19 | 87.477 |
G0079 | Follow-up of a periodic radio transient | (P. I. Hurley-Walker, Natasha) Follow-up of a periodic radio transient | 532 | 22.628 |
G0080 | Monitoring for transients in the Galactic Plane | (P.I. Natasha Hurley-Walker) Monitoring the Galactic Plane for minute-timescale radio transients | 1913 | 905.033 |
G0081 | Imaging lightning | (P.I. S. J. McSweeney) Pilot study to image lightning in high time and spatial resolution. | 24 | 119.462 |
G0084 | Hunt for diffuse radio halo in Abell 3667 | (P.I. C Riseley) A low-frequency hunt for the diffuse radiohalo in Abell 3667 | 2076 | 501.158 |
G0085 | Lensing of the EoR by massive cluster | (P.I. H Shan) Lensing magnification of the EoR 21cm signal by massive cluster: foreground modelling with extended array | 2448 | 496.271 |
G0086 | FRB search pipeline with MWAX real time beamformer | (P.I. M Sokolowski) Commissioning the commensal FRB search pipeline using the MWAX real-time beamformer | 139 | 50.005 |
G0087 | Searching for repeating FRBs | (P.I. Z Xu) Searching for repeating FRBs at low radio frequencies | 18 | 250.002 |
G0088 | Monitoring quadruple M dwarf system for radio flares | (P.I. X Zhang) Monitoring a quadruple M dwarf system for minute-timescale radio flares | 504 | 234.822 |
G0089 | Search for Pulsars in Globular Clusters | (P.I.Z Zhang) A Pioneer Search for Pulsars in Low Frequency in Globular Clusters | 3 | 91.249 |
G0090 | Subaru HSC LAE field survey | (P.I. Yoshiura, S.) Survey of the Subaru HSC Lyman Alpha Emitter fields | 312 | 11.662 |
G0091 | Deep Imaging of EoR fields | (P.I. Zheng, Q.) Deep Imaging of EoR Fields with MWA Compact Configuration | 225 | 59.353 |
G0092 | Monitoring a long-period radio transient | (P.I. N. Hurley-Walker) Timing and spectropolarimetric observations of a long-period radio transient. Continues D0038. | 157 | 239.449 |
G0093 | Space Weather using Pulsars | (P.I. D. Kaur) Space weather monitoring using pulsars as probes | 8 | 5.935 |
OA002 | Study of the lowest DM pulsar | (Maan) "Using the MWA for Confirmatory Detection, Localization and Study of the Lowest Dispersion Measure Pulsar" | 4 | 38.075 |